Sunday, May 18, 2008

Success After Debugging

It is an innate human trait.This holds the last part but before executing if any errors this process is considered.if a programmer is very well, good and efficient in recovering errors then he is very GREAT. This is somehow we can compare with one familiar Quote that "GETTING A GOOD NAME IS VERY EASY BUT MAINTAINING IT TILL LAST IS NOT".If you ask how we can compare the above quote with debugging,then there is a answer here. That is creating a program is quite easy for a good programmer but debugging is not. Because if we recover a single error this may cause multiple error to occur because of recovering it and so on. so this is not a easy practice.Brain Kernighan told this as "Everyone Knows that debugging is twice as hard as writing a if you are as clever as you can be when you write it,how will you ever debug it?" .

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